Raven ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)


Raven ZZ plants thrive in low light conditions and can even succeed where other houseplants fail. When watering, allow for adequate drying time between watering sessions for best results.

Water the plant every other week and let its soil completely dry between irrigations to avoid overwatering and root rot. Be wary when placing plants near air conditioning units or drafty windows during winter, as this could encourage overwatering and root rot.

How to care

ZZ plants are low-care indoor plants that thrive under various lighting conditions, from low light to indirect sunlight. While the direct sun may produce better results, ZZ plants tend to do best when their soil dries to touch between watering sessions; be mindful not to overwater; overdoing is one of the primary causes of ZZ plant death! Ensure the soil mix remains saturated but not soggy for optimal growth.

ZZ plants’ rhizomes store water, so they’re better equipped than many houseplants to withstand dry environments. Ideal humidity levels range between 30-80%, though lower humidity levels can still thrive if drafts or sudden temperature shifts don’t threaten them. Misting leaves periodically to keep them hydrated can also be helpful.

Like other tropical plants, the Black Raven is a slow-grower that will reach approximately 30 inches tall and wide over several years. While its dark foliage begins out green, it develops an eye-catching deep purple hue over time as it grows.

During the growing season, you should fertilize a ZZ plant with a balanced organic potting mix once monthly. While additional feeding in the form of liquid plant food may be tolerated, overfertilizing can lead to salt build-up that leads to salt accumulation. It is wise not to fertilize ZZ plants during late fall and winter as they enter dormancy.

A ZZ plant is a resilient houseplant often seen in offices or places with dry air, such as hospitals. It makes an ideal choice for beginning gardeners and people with busy lives, as its care requirements are minimal. Still, regular inspection of your ZZ plant for pests or potential issues should take place to keep it looking its best; its glossy dark leaves should also be regularly wiped down with a damp cloth to maintain its sheen and enable more excellent photosynthesis rates. Occasionally apply mild insecticide for added protection if necessary.

Light requirements

Like many tropical houseplants, the Raven ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is highly adaptable to lighting conditions. While it can grow under low lighting, this versatile houseplant thrives and performs best when exposed to bright, indirect sunlight. It is an excellent choice for offices, stairways, windowless bathrooms, and places with little natural sunlight.

Hyuk Jin Lee first identified this crow-colored ZZ plant variant in 2006. After propagating new branches with dark-colored branches from one that eventually turned black as they matured, he achieved stunning long-term indoor plants requiring minimal care or upkeep.

Unlike many tropical plants, the Raven ZZ plant does not need high humidity levels to flourish. Instead, it thrives best in an atmosphere with temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and under artificial lighting like fluorescent and LED bulbs.

If you are growing a Raven ZZ plant in a pot, ensure at least one drainage hole at the bottom to avoid root rot. While it doesn’t discriminate between soil textures, moist, well-draining mixes work best. Be wary not to overwater and only water when the top inch of soil dries out completely; additionally, it would be wise to provide regular fertilization during growing seasons using an indoor-specific liquid fertilizer explicitly designed for it.

If your Raven ZZ plant shows signs of being rootbound, such as yellowing or wilting leaves, then repotting may be in order. Start by finding a pot slightly larger than its current one with drainage holes; remove and dig out any roots sticking out from the sides or bottom of the container before filling the pot with fresh potting soil and placing it in an indirect light location for best results. Repotting can ensure your ZZ stays healthy and vibrant throughout its growing season! This task should be performed annually as routine care to maintain nutritional plant health throughout its growing season! This task helps ensure its health throughout its growing season!


ZZ plants are popular houseplants due to their minimal upkeep requirements. These versatile houseplants thrive in virtually any room of the home and any humidity level and only need to be watered twice monthly; in between watering sessions, allow the soil to completely dry out entirely before repeating this step. Sand or perlite added to the ground helps retain moisture and prevent overwatering that could otherwise lead to root rot.

Raven ZZ Plants are more light-sensitive than regular varieties yet are highly adaptable in various environments. Although they can tolerate bright lighting conditions, direct sunlight may cause their leaves to turn brown and curl – in such an instance, move it to an area with lower lighting until its hue returns to normal.

Indirect bright light encourages new growth, while shaded areas keep their current growth dense and bushy. Like other indoor plants, Raven is susceptible to spider mites, thrips, and scales infestation but can respond well to an intense burst of water or insecticidal soap spraying.

When watering a ZZ Plant, use the finger test to ascertain if its soil needs additional moisture. Stick your finger into the ground and see if your first knuckle dries up; otherwise, more moisture may be necessary. Humidity levels and sunlight also play an important role in when and how often plants need watered.

Well-draining soil is essential to the success of any ZZ Plant. Incorporating sand or perlite into the mix will aid its health while helping prevent root rot and other issues from developing.

Black Raven ZZ Plants may not be susceptible to many diseases. Still, their sap contains calcium oxalate crystals, which may irritate soft tissues, such as ingestion by children or pets, resulting in painful digestive upsets. Also, wash your hands after touching any part of this plant, as any contact could lead to itching or burning sensations.


ZZ plants are relatively straightforward to cultivate, but regular fertilization is crucial if they’re to flourish indoors. Light feeders like ZZ plants need the right balance of liquid houseplant fertilizer if kept indoors; use caution when applying liquid fertilizers as excessive amounts could damage and even kill off their hosts. Read and follow label directions carefully when adding liquid nutrients; too much may damage them and lead to their demise.

Ideally, feed your plant once every month from spring through summer when active growth occurs. Winter feeding may also be done periodically if kept in a dark and excellent location – however, don’t overfeed, as this could result in leggy plants!

Whenever your ZZ plant starts showing yellow or brown leaves, this could indicate a nutrient deficiency. A lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium could prevent its absorption into its system, preventing proper growth. To combat this problem, try decreasing fertilizer dosage while watering more frequently or flushing out its soil by thoroughly soaking it with a stream of water, which can help dilute excess salt accumulation in its soil.

Fungus-infected leaves on your ZZ plant could be caused by overwatering and excessively hot or dry conditions. You can minimize its growth by providing adequate drainage or using home remedies like Neem Oil as a fungicide spray on affected leaves.

Growing ZZ plants from leaf cuttings is an easy and effective way to propagate this indoor tropical plant. Although the process is straightforward, roots and leaves may take several weeks or months to begin sprouting from your ZZ plant leaf cutting. To do this successfully, allow the foliage to callus over for several days to form a strong callus before placing it in moist but well-draining soil in indirect sunlight and warm temperatures for optimal root formation.